LPHYS'14.    Keynote Speakers:

The LPHYS'14 Organizing and Steering Committees have announced their decision that this year LPHYS'14 will be dedicated to paying tribute to two major events:

50th anniversary of 1964 Nobel Prize in physics


145th anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The Organizing and Steering Committees are very pleased to announce the following keynote presentatons at the opening session:

  1. The Impact of Dr. Townes' Work in Nonlinear Optics

  2. Lasers: Reminiscing and Speculating

    • Photo

      Michael Bass

      The Townes Laser Institute, The University of Central Florida College of Optics and Photonics, Orlando, FL, USA

    The first time I saw a laser was in the spring of . Little did I know that I would spend my career working with these devices and the way in which the light they gave off interacted with matter? I will trace the developments in the field of lasers from the decade of the 1960s to the present, my own small part in nonlinear optics at the beginning, the spectacular role of the diode laser and then speculate as to what the future holds.